E-Hold Header Image


E-hold gives sellers the ability to hold and release their vehicles online, eliminating traditionally cumbersome manual processes. Plus, you can add and view notes, and set hold/release permissions, all in one, easily accessible location. 


A Powerful Feature within CSAToday®

Placing vehicles on hold electronically, is simple and efficient within CSAToday. Sellers can complete the entire process online with the ability to track every step and customize user preferences.
IAA E-Hold Icon
How Does E-Hold Work? 
  • Go to hold tab, agree to "place hold", add a few additional details 

  • Track every step with ease and find the request history of each user 

  • Set the user preferences to control who can set and release vehicle holds 

  • Add and view notes, and set hold/release permissions

Need More Information About E-Hold?

Contact the IAA Account Management team for questions about E-Hold.

Additional Tools to Manage Vehicles

Explore these tools and technologies for effective vehicle management.