
Steve Muscarello, SVP and Chief Commercial Officer at IAA, provides an update on some of IAA's latest changes.

Hello again!

As we continue to feel the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the health and safety of our customers, our IAA employees, and the families and friends of those affected remains in the forefront of my mind. We truly all are in this together, and the continued support of one another is essential as we all through this.

I’m excited to announce we have recently completed our auction digital transformation, with the vast majority of our branches now being completely digital. This shift to a fully digital platform is exciting in many ways, and will provide you with measured, additional value.  I’ll be providing a more in-depth summary of the initiative and its many benefits to all of you in the coming weeks.

With our world now adapting to social distancing norms, I want to continue to express the confidence we have in our auction tools and platform. IAA 360° View™ and IAA Engine Start™ are two of the best ways we merchandise your vehicle assets. And now, with 360 View being offered on all vehicles at all branches, and the Feature Tour enhancement added, our buyers can get an even more comprehensive view of the vehicles they are bidding on from wherever they are across the globe.

For the safety of your employees, we continue to offer IAA Inspection Services®, our solution for remote vehicle inspections and appraisals, eliminating the need for your employees to be in the field inspecting your units.

As always, thank you for your business. Stay safe and healthy. I will be in touch again soon.

Steve Muscarello,
Senior Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer, IAA

Steve Muscarello, Senior Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer, IAA