Client News

A Sneak Peek at our CAT Response Strategy + CSAToday® Gets an Upgrade

Published June 11, 2020 - Written by Steve Muscarello

2 Min read


Steve Muscarello, our SVP and Chief Commercial Officer, announces new features for CSAToday® plus the release of our new Catastrophe Response series!


It’s hard to believe the end of Q2 and the 4th of July are just a few weeks away. The summer months are marking several new and exciting things at IAA. We've recently . Now, you'll be able to see even more key information and imagery to make better decisions on your vehicle assets.

With the hurricane and CAT season in full swing, we have released the first in a 4-part series, where IAA takes a look at the key components that make up our catastrophe response strategy! The first brief focuses on real estate capacity and our Flexible Capacity Model™. This view of capacity is modeled after leading emergency and disaster recover disciplines and leverage properties that are leased, owned, and contractually optioned. The result is IAA provides inventory space where it is needed rather than where property is owned. If we know one thing for certain, it’s that storm paths are unpredictable and can shift instantly. We need to respond where the storm hits. Read all about it here.

Over the next two months, we will publish three more briefs specific to IAA’s CAT Response Strategy that dive into Operational Execution, Transport Logistics and Vehicle Merchandising. I'll share them with you when they're out!

Lastly, I wanted to let you know that IAA branches have started to re-open vehicle preview days to our buyers. The process is fluid and flexible as we're following best practices laid out by the CDC and WHO, as well as coordinating with local state governments on their state opening guidelines. We'll continue to communicate as plans become more concrete.

As always, thank you for your business. Stay safe and healthy. I will be in touch again soon.

Steve Muscarello, Senior Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer, IAA 

Steve Muscarello,
Senior Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer, IAA