Client News

IAA CAT Team’s GETS/WPS Access a Game-Changer

Will Help IAA Better Serve Providers, Communities

已發布 六月 17, 2021 - 撰寫者 Steve Muscarello

2 分鐘 閱讀時間


IAA’s CAT Team now has access to GETS/WPS, the nationwide cellular & Wi-Fi networks for first responders. This will further improve communications during CAT events and help IAA best serve its provider partners and affected communities. 

This week I’ve got big news concerning our industry-leading Catastrophe Response: It’s official! IAA now has access to the Government Emergency Telecommunications Service (GETS) and Wireless Priority Service (WPS), the nationwide communication networks used by first responders and governmental bodies. This is a total game-changer.

After a storm, communications can be spotty to non-existent. Cell towers are often knocked out. Getting access to the GETS/WPS networks is a huge deal. It’s also great news for the communities and provider partners we serve. It means IAA’s work serving affected communities and our provider partners will be that much more timely and effective, unhindered by communications issues.

We could not have gotten GETS/WPS approval without our close relationships with state and local governmental agencies.

Next: IAA works hard to align with leading emergency response best practices while also creating our own best practices. To make that happen we conduct training exercises and attend emergency response conferences. In June IAA CAT Team leaders will attend the National Hurricane Conference.

And recently we conducted a weeklong, large-scale CAT training exercise to test our CAT Response Strategy. The team responded to a scenario involving a CAT 5 hurricane making landfall near Hollywood, Florida. High tide and a 15-foot storm surge created all sorts of havoc. Our CAT personnel jumped into action, sending 130 people to ten IAA sites, deploying 400 tow trucks, processing 50,000 vehicles, including 5,000 special lines, on 250 acres, and executing 10,000 Inspection Services. To learn more, check out a new article on the exercise.

Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to learn about IAA’s leading CAT Response.

Until next time, stay healthy. And thank you for your business!

Steve Muscarello, Senior Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer, IAA 

Steve Muscarello, 
Senior Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer, IAA 

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